
Information about the values in the config.json file

enableDebug: true/false

Enable debug, allows you to display errors in the console that would normally be hidden.

enableDebugTime: true/false

Enable debug time, allows you to display the code execution time in nano second, perfect for testing the effectiveness of the plugin.

enableLogStorageFile: true/false

Enable save or load file log in console

enableInformationMessage: true/false

Enable information message, allows you to view messages that tell you about an inventory or that an order has been successfully loaded.

enableOpenMessage: true/false

Enable open message, default value for the command /zm open <inventory name> <player> <display message>

enableMiniMessageFormat: true/false

Enable mini message format, allows you to activate the mini message format, available from 1.17 onwards, more information here: https://docs.advntr.dev/minimessage/index.html

enablePlayerCommandInChat: true/false

Enable player command in chat, Allows you to ensure that when a player executes a command, they execute it from the chat and not from the console. If you have "fake" command, which are not saved in spigot you need to enable this option.

secondsSavePlayerData: Int

Seconds save player data: The time in seconds for automatic backup of player data.

secondsSavePlayerInventories: Int

Seconds save player data: The time in seconds for automatic backup of inventories data.

autoSaveFileInventoryOnUpdate: true/false

Auto save file inventory on update: allows you to save the file of jouueurs inventories automatically.

mainMenu: "example"

Default menu name

useSwapItemOffHandKeyToOpenMainMenu: true

Open main menu when f key is press

useSwapItemOffHandKeyToOpenMainMenuNeedsShift: true

Open main menu when swap item offhand key is press and sneak key

specifyPathMenus: [

Load specific inventories

generateDefaultFile: true/false

Generate default configuration

Last updated