Player data
Player data system
With zMenu you can store data for the player and use it with placeholders. This way you can create counters, cooldowns and much more !
Each data contains a key, a value and an expiration date. If you put 0 then the data will never expire. The expiration date is a timestamp.
The permission to use these commands is: zmenu.players
/zm players
Displays the list of commands for the players' data.
/zm players set <player> <key> <expiration> <value>
Set new player data. You must set the expiration time in seconds. Put 0 to have no expiration.
/zm players remove <player> <key>
Remove player data.
/zm players get <player> <key>
Get player data.
/zm players kets <player>
Returns the list of keys of a player.
/zm players clear <player>
Clear player's data.
/zm players clearall
Clear all player's data.
/zm players add <player> <key> <value>
Add a number to a value, works only for numbers.
/zm players subtract <player> <key> <value>
Subtract a number to a value, works only for numbers.
Placeholders can be used in an inventory for displaying an item or for a permission. You can block access to a button with a placeholder. You can see an example here.
Returns the value contained in a key.
Returns the expiration time formatted according to a key.
Returns the expiration time according to a key.
Returns true or false. Allows to know if a key exists.
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