Before you start configuring the plugin itemstack, make sure you are using the correct material for your version of the game. Each button must be accompanied by an itemstack (except in certain specific cases).
The material of the item. You can use a placeholder to display a material.
Supported material values:
Material - Example:
material: STONE
Placeholder value - Example:
material: %your_placeholder_material%
FREE - zHead RECOMMENDED (zhd:<id>) Example:
material: "zhd:<id>"
PAID - zItems (ztems:<item name>) Example:
material: "zitems:<id>"
PAID - HeadDatabase (hdb:<id>) Example:
material: "hdb:<id>"
PAID - Oraxen (oraxen:<item name>) Example:
material: "oraxen:<item name>"
PAID - ItemAdder (itemsadder:<item name>) Example:
material: "itemsadder:<item name>"
FREE - SlimeFun (slimefun:<item name>) Example:
material: "slimefun:<item name>"
FREE - Nova (nova:<item/block name>) Example:
material: "nova:<item/block name>"
Base64 (base64:<item in base64) Retrieve this value in base64 with the command
/zm save <item name> base64
PlayerHead (playerHead: <player name>) Displays the head of a player. Example:
playerHead: "%player%"
Displays the head of the player who opens the inventory
The amount of the itemstack. You can use a placeholder to have a dynamic amount.
The material data, only available for versions between 1.8 and 1.12. By default, it's 0.
The durability of the item, by default, is 0.
Allows you to display a head with a URL in base64. You can find the values of the heads on the site minecraft-head.com.
You must take the content in the "Value" field under the "Other" category.
The name that will be displayed on the item. You can use PlaceholderAPI to make the name dynamic.
If your server has Kyori Adventure, you can use the mini message format.
Allows you to display the lore of the item. You can use PlaceholderAPI to make the lore dynamic.
Allows you to create a potion. Check potion effect types here for more details.
Warning: A potion cannot be extended and have a level 2 at the same time.
Allows the item to shine. Add random enchant and HIDE_ENCHANT itemflag.
Allows you to put a custom model id on the item.
Allows you to add enchantments. You need to specify the name of the enchantment followed by the level of the enchantment, in the format: ENCHANT,ENCHANT_LEVEL
List of enchantments
List of flags: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/inventory/ItemFlag.html
Set the RGB color (Red, Green, Blue) for leather armor. The format is as follows:
For example, to set a color with 255 red, 100 green, and 50 blue, you would use:
You can also add an alpha value in the color to have ARGB (Alpha, Red, Green, Blue). The format is as follows:
For example, to set a color with 128 alpha (semi-transparent), 255 red, 100 green, and 50 blue, you would use:
The color format for fireworks, banners, and potions follows the same ARGB format:
For example:
Fireworks: To set a color with 255 alpha (fully opaque), 200 red, 150 green, and 100 blue, you would use:
.Banners: To set a color with 255 alpha, 100 red, 200 green, and 50 blue, you would use:
.Potions: To set a color with 128 alpha (semi-transparent), 255 red, 50 green, and 50 blue, you would use:
For further details, check the Javadocs for Color here.
Firework type: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/FireworkEffect.Type.html
Allows you to create a banner. Pattern list: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/block/banner/PatternType.html
Translated Name
Allows to translate the name of the item in several languages
Translated Lore
Allows to translate the lore of the item in several languages
Max Stack Size
Overrides the default maximum stack size of this item. Choose a number between 1 and 99. max-stack-size must be 1 if max-damage is set.
Only available for 1.21 and below
Max Damage
Controls the maximum amount of damage an item can take. If not present, the item cannot be damaged. For this to work, you need to make this item a tool if it is not already and then set it's initial damage (usually 0). max-stack-size must be 1 if max-damage is set.
Only available for 1.21 and below
The absolute amount of damage or use this item has taken.
Only available for 1.21 and below
Repair Cost
Number of enchantment levels to add to the base level cost when repairing, combining, or renaming this item with an Anvil.
Only available for 1.21 and below
Tools, armor and weapons set with this won't lose durability when used.
Only available for 1.21 and below
Unbreakable Show In Tooltip
If false, an 'Unbreakable' line will not be included in the tooltip. Default is True.
Only available for 1.21 and below
Fire Resistant
If true, this item will not burn in fire
Only available for 1.21 and below
Item Rarity
Determines the default color of its name. This enum is ordered from least rare to most rare.
- White item name.EPIC
- Light purple item name.RARE
- Aqua item name.UNCOMMON
- Yellow item name.
Only available for 1.21 and below
Hide Tooltip
If present, it will completely hide whole item tooltip (that includes item name). The tooltip will be still visible and searchable in creative mode.
Only available for 1.21 and below
Hide additional tooltip
If true, disables 'additional' tooltip part which comes from the item type.
Only available for 1.21 and below
Enchantment Glint
If true, the item will glint, even without enchantments; if false, the item will not glint, even with enchantments. If null, the override will be cleared.
Only available for 1.21 and below
Enchantment Show In Tooltip
If false, no enchantments will be shown in the item tooltip. Default is true.
Only available for 1.21 and below
Attribute Show In Tooltip
If false. The attributes will not show on the item tooltip. Default is true.
Only available for 1.21 and below
Allows to define an armor trim, only usable on armor
Only available for 1.21 and below
Last updated