
All information on inventories.


The plugin includes an inventories folder that will contain all your inventories. Each inventory is represented by a separate file. You can create as many inventories as you want, as well as subfolders to organize them.

In the default configuration, you have the following:

|- inventories
  |- test
    |- test3
      - example3.yml
    - example2.yml
  - example.yml
  - example_shop.yml
  - example_punish.yml


name: "<inventory name>"
size: <inventory size>
fillItem: <itemstack>
updateInterval: <update interval>
clearInventory: <true/false>
items: <buttons>
open_requirement: <requirement>


name: "<inventory name>"

The name of the inventory that will be displayed. Please note that, depending on your version, there may be a character limit. You can use colors and placeholders in the name.

If your inventory has multiple pages, you can display the current page and the last page using the following placeholders:

  • %page% - Current page number

  • %maxPage% - Last page number


size: <inventory size>

Sets the inventory size. By default, the value will be 54. The size of the inventory must be a multiple of 9, ranging from 9 to 54. The valid values are:

  • 9

  • 18

  • 27

  • 36

  • 45

  • 54

Fill Item

fillItem: <itemstack>

Allows you to fill all the slots with the same item stack. Refer to the item information for details.

Update Interval

updateInterval: <update interval>

Allows you to define the refresh interval for the buttons in the inventory, in milliseconds. For the buttons to be updated, the update option must be enabled. For more information, see the details here.

Clear Inventory

clearInventory: <true/false>

Allows you to clear the player's inventory when opening and restore it upon closing. This feature enables you to display an image in the inventory without being obstructed by the player's items.


The matrix configuration in a YAML file allows for intuitive organization of items within a Minecraft inventory by providing a visual representation of slot arrangements. In the given example, a 54-slot inventory named &8Test uses a matrix of characters, where 'A' represents slots filled with diamonds, to create a bordered layout. This method enhances clarity and design efficiency, as each character in the matrix corresponds to an item defined under the items section, allowing for easy customization of inventory layouts.

The use of a matrix simplifies the creation of complex inventory designs by visually mapping out item placements.

name: "&8Test"
size: 54
  - "A       A"
  - "A       A"
  - "A       A"
  - "A       A"
      material: DIAMOND


items: <buttons>

List of Buttons: For detailed information, please refer here.


Opens the inventory through interaction with an item. You must define the item's details, the actions to be performed (full list here), and the type of verification required.

# Open this menu by clicking a specific item
# You can use /zm giveopenitem <inventory> <player> to retrieve the item to use
  # Define the item that will be clicked
    material: compass
    name: "&eOpen Basic Inventory"
      - "&7Click on me !"
  # Look at https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/block/Action.html
  # Define the type of verification.
  # Depending on your configuration and need you will define a certain type of verification. Here are all the types that exist:
  # - full -> Allows to check the itemStack in full, will use the ItemStack#isSimilar method.
  # - material -> Allows to check only the material
  # - name -> Allows to check only the display name
  # - lore -> Allows to check only the lore
  # - modelid -> Allows to check only the Custom Model Id
  type: full

Open Requirement

More information here.

Translated Name

Allows you to translate the name of the player’s inventory.

# Inventory name (https://docs.zmenu.dev/configurations/inventories#name)
# This is the title of your inventory. You can put anything in it.
# Color code and placeholders are supported.
# If you are on Paper, Purpur or PufferFish you have access to the color code of MiniMessage (https://docs.advntr.dev/minimessage/format.html)
name: "&7Basics Inventory"

# Translate the inventory name into multiple languages
# You must define the language and the country used
# The vanilla Minecraft client will use lowercase language / country pairs separated by an underscore, but custom resource packs may use any format they wish.
  - locale: "fr_fr" # Allows to define the language in French
    name: "&aInventaire Basique"
  - locale: "es_es" # Allows to define the language in Spanish
    name: "&aInventario BΓ‘sico"


After creating your patterns, you can add them to your inventory like this:

size: 54

name: "&4Advanced &cInventory &7%page%&8/&7%maxPage%"
  - "pattern_example"

You must place the name of your file in the patterns folder. You can add as many patterns as you want.

Example from zAuctionHouseV3:

name: '&8α΄€α΄œα΄„α΄›Ιͺᴏɴ &8(&f%page%&8/&f%maxPage%&8)'  # Title of the menu, supports color codes and placeholders

size: 54  # Size of the Minecraft inventory menu, must be a multiple of 9

patterns:  # List of pattern identifiers used in the menu
  - "zauctionhouse_decoration"  # Pattern for decorative elements
  - "zauctionhouse_pagination"  # Pattern for navigation between menu pages
  - "zauctionhouse_auction"  # Pattern related to auction items or functionalities

    type: ZAUCTIONHOUSE_AUCTION  # Type of items to display, specific to auction house items
    isPermanent: true  # Indicates these items will always be displayed and not dynamically updated
    slots:  # Specifies the slots in the menu for the items
      - 10-16  # Items occupy slots 10 through 16
      - 19-25  # Items occupy slots 19 through 25
      - 28-34  # Items occupy slots 28 through 34
      - 37-43  # Items occupy slots 37 through 43
        - 22
        material: BARRIER
        name: '&c&nNo Items Found'

The auction inventory will use three patterns: one for decoration, one to manage pagination, and one to display the main buttons (such as purchased items, expired items, categories, etc.). The only button you need to define separately is the one that lists items for sale.

Using patterns allows you to reduce the size of the configuration and reuse it across multiple inventories.

Last updated